Lecture00: How Do Machines Learn?

The rise of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) has been nothing short of revolutionary. But to truly appreciate its magic, we need to journey through layers of abstraction and understand the core principles that fuel this domain.

1. Abstraction & Layers in Computer Science

Every complex system in computer science is built upon layers of abstraction, simplifying intricate details into comprehensible interfaces.

  • Why it matters: Just as writers don’t need to know ink chemistry, ML experts needn’t grasp every atomic detail—thanks to abstraction.

2. Dive into the Deep: Transistors & Atoms/Electrons

Every digital magic starts here—where electrons dance.

  • Transistors: The binary switch governing the digital world. Their on/off states represent the 1s and 0s.
  • Atoms/Electrons: Transistors are formed from semiconductors, which owe their behavior to the arrangement and flow of electrons.

3. Turing Machines & Computation Principles

Alan Turing’s hypothetical device—an essential foundation of computational theory.

  • Basics: It reads, writes, or modifies symbols on an infinite tape based on predefined rules.
  • Significance: All modern computers can be viewed as elaborate Turing machines.

4. Numerical Methods: The Bridge to Learning

Where classical algorithms falter, numerical methods shine by approximating solutions.

  • Role in ML: Most ML models, especially neural networks, rely on numerical methods for optimization.

5. Machine Learning: Intuition vs. Traditional Software

Traditional software: Feed in rules and data to get answers. Machine Learning: Feed in data and answers to learn the rules.

  • Evolution: From hardcoded logic to algorithms that learn patterns from data.

6. Deep Dive into Deep Learning

Hierarchical, layered learning inspired by neural networks in the human brain.

  • Neurons & Layers: Neurons process information, and multiple layers allow for complex pattern recognition.
  • Applications: From image recognition to natural language processing.

7. Neural Turing Machine: The Next Leap

Imagine a neural network with the power of a Turing machine—a memory-augmented neural network.

  • Functionality: Combines external memory with neural networks, enhancing capabilities.
  • Potential: Allows for algorithmic solutions previously thought to be out of reach for neural networks.

Dive into the lecture slides to deepen your understanding. From the interplay of electrons to the marvels of machine intuition, we’re reshaping our world—one machine learning model at a time.